About the project

In producing this corporate video, the challenge was to showcase a company whose potential for innovation needed to be prominently highlighted. Founded in Famalicão in 1995, Wingsys now focuses on producing interactive screens.

If the communication approach focused solely on this, much of the company’s essence would be lost. Although the technology might already exist, what makes Wingsys’ solution unique is the tools it provides to its users and the way and places where the screens are integrated. Thus, Wingsys enhances the productivity and creativity of its users with intuitive design and products designed to cover a wide range of applications.

Their devices range from infrastructure for cities(smart cities), to devices to facilitate education, to the area of hygiene and health, as well as their core business solutions. This breadth of disciplines made us interpret what Wingsys does in a different way, it made us realize that they really want to impact the world with their technology and the intuitive, creative and simple way that sets them apart.

Thus, allowing everyone to benefit from it, regardless of their sector or the various aspects of society.

In a world that has already emerged with screens, Wingsys guides its customers in a more intuitive way so that they can use this technology more productively. It enables a new method of organization because it innovates in the presentation of ideas in an easy, simple and clear way. Thus, enabling users to establish more direct forms of communication and create new solutions on their own.

It was precisely this discovery that gave GAFFVisuals the opportunity to tell the story of this technology company. Only with a tool like video and the language of cinema was it possible to bring out its potential customers through the digital world.

We leave you with the corporate video of Wingsys 2020.


Corporate Video Wingsys 2020



What We Did

Script, Production, and Post-production